June 16, 2022

I look,

For songs to express my love to You.  Longing for the correct words of my heart.  My language is limited and my breath seems too short.  My life, I desire to resemble You as an emblem to the nations.  A call to the lonely heart, and a cry to the ashamed.

Nothing I could say or do would be sufficient would last long enough to be what You deserve.  My Lord, I pray that You grant me time to live to breath Your words and walk Your heartbeat.  My soul longs for You to be all, love all, to fill all.  

May the ambition of this world not cloud my hearing or motivate my desires to seek self, to hold onto things too tight.  I choose to allow You to sweep things away that hinder me from You.

My eyes long to see Your face in the night and in the day.  My ears long to hear Your heartbeat, to be drunk with the sound of Your song and only distracted by Your music.  

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